EAB Welcomes New Members

We are delighted to welcome 4 new members to the Education Advisory Board (EAB). In June of 2018 we issued a call for membership to the EAB. We received many applications from qualified candidates which made the decision to select only 4 new members quite challenging. Each new member has significant leadership experience and also has a long-term commitment to education. Our new members are Barbara G. Jericho, MD, DABPM, FASA, Cynthia A. Lien, MD, Susan Marie Martinelli, MD and Edward C. Nemergut II, MD. Each of these individuals will serve a 3-year term. Importantly, we will be issuing another call for membership in 2019.

Barbara G. Jericho, MD, DABPM, FASA
The University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System
Chicago, Illinois

Cynthia A. Lien, MD
Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Specialty Clinics
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Susan Marie Martinelli, MD
The University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Edward C. Nemergut II, MD
University of Virginia Health Systems
Charlottesville, Virginia


Keith Baker, MD, PhD
Chair, Educational Advisory Board
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts