AUA Mentoring Program

Mentoring | Sponsoring | Coaching

AUA’s mission is to promote excellence in academic anesthesiology through mentorship; promotion of diversity and inclusivity; and professional growth throughout the careers of educators, academic leaders, and researchers.

Mentorship and Sponsorship in medicine, whether formal or informal, have been shown to have a positive impact on career trajectories. Faculty members who received mentoring and sponsoring opportunities report better career visibility, increased scholarship, more publications, more likelihood to be promoted, improved retention, and overall better career satisfaction.

We all need mentors, sponsors, and coaches to help us navigate academic medicine. The AUA can help build these connections.

What is mentoring, sponsoring and coaching?


Longitudinal & personal Dynamic & reciprocal

  • Provide advice and guidance
  • Aim for professional development; may be project specific
  • Mentor is content expert Valuable in early career stages


Episodic & focused Transactional: clear expectations

  • Provide high stakes assignments Aim for increased visibility & access
  • Sponsor has position of influence
  • Valuable for mid-career & high- level advancement


Short-term & professional Future-focused partnership

  • Provide space for reflection Aim to know self, build skills, & change behaviors
  • Coach is professionally trained; not content expert
  • Valuable at all stages of a career

Members interested in serving as a mentor or sponsor are asked to self-identify those domains in which they would feel comfortable serving as a mentor or sponsor. Your experience and knowledge will directly enhance the personal and professional lives of our members and those whom they serve.

Mentor and sponsor relationships are rewarding and valuable ways for our AUA members to develop, guide and support future leaders in academic anesthesia.

View the AUA mentor and sponsor directory!