President’s Messageby Dolores B. Njoku, MD You may have noticed a few things. First, this year we returned to our home, the university. This pivot was made possible by the combined support of our members, executive council, our Boards and my department, medical school and university at Washington University in St. Louis. Secondly, within these meeting days from Friday to Sunday (March 22-24, 2024), we provided an academic program. We included the current standards pre-meeting workshops and critical content from our advisory boards, as well as an intriguing and thought provoking host, president and women in Academic Anesthesiology Networking program. Since our annual meeting we have been busy with our transitions. Association Resource Center (ARC), a familiar name in academic Anesthesiology, is our new management company. So, behind the scenes, I have been busy working with Andrew Bronson, our new Executive Director, with on-boarding our newly minted advisory board leaders and members, as well as providing critical support for those continuing in their roles and maintaining our programs. In addition to this work I have disseminated our mission, vision and purpose along with American Society of Anesthesiology and American Medical Association leadership at the Anesthesiology section of the National Medical Association. These critical partnerships provide strength in numbers as we move forward in shaping the future of Academic Anesthesiology. It is my opinion that our anesthesiology societies should find ways to come together on shared values regarding our academic missions. In 2025, our annual meeting will be in Boston, MA and just happens to coincide with International Women’s Day! Make your plans to come together and share your voice as we continue to shape the future of Academic Anesthesiology! Working together we can get this done! Author |